We were very pleased with the turnout of residents at our 2019 AGM held on October 3, 2019. The current Board is comprised of three (3) Melcor Directors that retain the Officer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) and four (4) Resident Directors. Resident Directors obtain the knowledge and direction to be prepared for the responsibility of overseeing operations of the Rosenthal HOA in the future.


The Resident Directors are the eyes and ears of the community. A Resident Director plays an important role by being kept up-to-date with what’s going on in their community, and by gathering feedback from neighbors and Rosenthal HOA members regarding HOA issues. Resident Directors are required to attend Board Meetings, but do not have authority, responsibility, or liability for the development, operation, or management of the Rosenthal HOA assets. Resident Directors, however, are instrumental in streamlining the society’s Policies & Procedures, Rules & Regulations, governance and visioning. Melcor, as Manager of JRHOA, retains the authority, responsibility, and holds all the liability to ensure that the Rosenthal HOA is developed as designed, fiscally responsible and sustainable for the long term use of its resident members.
Join us in welcoming your new resident directors who will work alongside Melcor:
  1. Scott Holliday, Resident Director
  2. Cristie Leskie, Resident Director
  3. Geoff Mann, Resident Director
  4. Lorrie Gray, Resident Director