Dear Owners,

We have been advised that there were delays in receiving the AGM packages this year. Therefore, to allow proper notice and encourage attendance, the Rosenthal HOA 2022 AGM has been postponed and will not take place on May 17th as originally advised.

A new date is being coordinated for early June and all owners will be advised via circulated publication, HOA website posting, e-blast, and social media of the revised date. Please note that the AGM package sent in the mail will remain the same for the subsequent meeting, with the exception of the Notice of AGM, located on page 2 of the package. Thus, it is requested that you retain the package for reference at the AGM.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will adjust next year’s AGM date to ensure that ample notice is provided to the owners.

Thank you,
Board of Directors of Rosenthal HOA